Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders How to Balance Your Presentation Preparation

How to Balance Your Presentation Preparation

 14th Mar 2022

How do you balance your preparation time for important meetings/presentations?

A common bias is for activity to be in silence, written and usually involving a screen or paper.

What if it were to be out loud, spoken and instead involving another person?

Conversations provide a fabulous path to gaining clarity, internalising a flow and maintaining an authentic tone to the delivery.


#presentationskills #communication #preparation #publicspeaking

Simon brought his vast experience to the subject of storytelling which he masters wholly. He skilfully guided members through his unique series of techniques for both developing and delivering business stories that, by definition, can belong only to each individual business concerned. An excellent morning and highly recommended.


 Gordon Bromley I Chairman, Surrey & SW London Academy for Chief Executives

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