SB 2021

Online/Virtual Coaching Options 2024

Dear Fellow Professional & Leader,

We have been living through extraordinary times.

Chances are, that as a result of Covid, you may be reading this at home or perhaps you have returned to the office. I can only imagine the enormous disruption you must already have experienced, both in your place of work and in your life outside.

As we switched from face-to-face to distance working, clients started asking:

"Can coaching still work remotely? If so, how effective is Zoom/Skype/Tel?"

 The honest answer is...

  1. Yes
  2. Very effective - provided there's good rapport and a clear focus

So, if you are now looking to sharpen your skills in spoken communication, then the good news is that I can help. 

Over the years, I've had extensive experience coaching executive clients...

  • Over Zoom
  • Over Skype
  • By telephone
  • By email
For some clients, distance coaching has complemented face-to-face contact. Others, based all over the world, I've never even met! 

At this initial stage, here are some thoughts to consider...

  • Chemistry is key - let's speak first before either of us commits to anything

  • Consider which scenarios, content or events you might want to target

  • Clarify the change/improvement you want to achieve as a speaker

This can form the basis of an initial consultation

If you'd like to connect with me, please do get in touch using the Contact Link at the top of the screen.

Speak soon ...

"Simon, the direction you took me in within a 25 minute phone call opened my eyes to a whole concept in my TEDx speech I was yet to uncover.

I can now absolutely see why you have the reputation that you do.

To say I am thankful is an understatement."

Sarah-Ann Macklin, Nutritionist & Model, Founder of The Be Well Collective, TEDx Speaker, 'THE JAMIE OLIVER OF NUTRITION' Marie Claire Magazine

Stay safe and speak soon...

Simon Bucknall

For Further Information Contact Simon I +44 (0)7834 083500 or complete our ENQUIRY FORM

Simon, within a 25 minute phone call you opened my eyes to a whole concept in my TEDx speech I was yet to uncover. I can now absolutely see why you have the reputation that you do. To say I am thankful is an understatement.


Sarah-Ann Macklin | Nutritionist & Model, Founder, The Be Well Collective, TEDx Speaker, 'THE JAMIE OLIVER OF NUTRITION' Marie Claire Magazine 

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