Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders The Power of Resilience

The Power of Resilience

 2nd Mar 2023
It's the Victory Speech that Hillary Clinton never gave.

As newly elected President of the United States in 2016.

But in her online MasterClass series on "The Power Of Resilience", she shares it. Wow.

Quite an impact the speech has, especially in light of all that's happened over the past 6 or so years.

Most of all, the emotion of the close is striking, as Hillary speaks of her late mother, Dorothea.

The one person in history with whom she would most want to share news of her election as POTUS.

Fighting back tears, voice cracking, Hillary takes several seconds to regather herself. Understandably.

As an audience member, the emotion is palpable.

It's real.

You feel it.

Because it's personal.

But public speaking is ALWAYS personal.

It's just that, very often, leaders and presenters shy away from that.

They seek to deny, even conceal, the profoundly personal nature of one human being truly speaking to another.

Embrace it!

#publicspeaking #power #communication #leadership #politics

People in leadership positions have to take this course!


Mahmoud Jamjoum | Joint MD, Jamjoom Pharmaceuticals, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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