Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders What's The Value of Clubs?

What's The Value of Clubs?

 23rd Aug 2022

Tooting Bec Lido

At 100 yards in length, Tooting Bec Lido is - to my knowledge - the largest pool in Britain.

It opened in 1906.

Within months, the South London Swimming Club was formed.

The club has been holding weekly Sunday morning races ever since.

Including today.

Having been a member since 2019, I’d say all power…

To #consistency

To volunteers everywhere

To the all-round value of clubs

To a sense of belonging.

To exercise.

To a love of the outdoors, whether in or out of water.

And to sanity - even/especially when the water’s cold!

#swimming #mentalhealth #london #extracurricular

Simon, within a 25 minute phone call you opened my eyes to a whole concept in my TEDx speech I was yet to uncover. I can now absolutely see why you have the reputation that you do. To say I am thankful is an understatement.


Sarah-Ann Macklin | Nutritionist & Model, Founder, The Be Well Collective, TEDx Speaker, 'THE JAMIE OLIVER OF NUTRITION' Marie Claire Magazine 

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