Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Your Doubting Voice

Your Doubting Voice

 24th Jan 2022
“Don’t be daft, they KNOW all this stuff already!”

“Do you REALLY think people need another bunch of tips for speaking to camera?”

“What you’re saying is so obvious – BORING…”

Just some of the comments made by my “Inner Imp” last week.

A voice in my head.

The doubting voice that exists in all our heads. Somewhere.

So, I very nearly didn’t record the video: “Are you making one of THESE classic blunders when speaking to camera?”
(see link in Comments below)

Even once I had, very nearly didn’t post it either.

Because Inner Imp was back:

“Nah, that’s rubbish. You made mistakes – go back and re-record.”

Sheesh. The things we let Inner Imp get away with.


Six days on, to my delight and surprise…

9,500+ clicked views

290+ reactions

Bags of comments from people that it's been useful (hurrah!)

A dramatic increase in Followers
(If you’re one of them: Hello & Welcome!)


So, this past few days. I've re-learnt important lessons…

**What may seem obvious to YOU may not be obvious to others.

**You cannot see your own expertise as others might.

**Done is better than perfect.

**It’s never a bad idea to reinforce a good idea.

**When you hear the voice of that Inner Imp, put it in a sound-proof box and bury in concrete.

Onwards and upwards...

Speak soon!

#communication #leadership #inspiration #personaldevelopment #zoom #video

 Simon worked one-to-one with our entire team of speakers over several months...Key stakeholders from the audience made a point of commenting on how impressed they were by the value and impact of the presentations. Simon has made a significant and permanent difference to our people's effectiveness as speakers.


Nic Humphries | Senior Partner, HgCapital

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