Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders A Decision Long Ago

A Decision Long Ago

 16th Feb 2022
My decision to join a Toastmasters International public speaking club back in January 2004 proved nothing short of life-changing.

Back then, I never would have imagined that a focus on spoken communication would become my full-time career and calling.

(Although looking at the realities of 21stC leadership, the need for mastery of spoken communication clearly extends well beyond the world of professional speakers, facilitators and coaches!)

This morning, I paid a 7am visit to Covent Garden Speakers, an early morning club here in London’s West End. A first in-person meeting in a long time - and what a joy it was.

If ever there were “gym membership” for #communication, a Toastmasters club would be it.

What other “gym memberships” would you advocate?

#publicspeaking #leadership #communicationskills #personaldevelopment

Simon gave me excellent advice on my upcoming talk for TEDxLBS - great pointers on both narrative and delivery that really put the final polish on my presentation!


Kelly Price | Senior Vice President, Oncology Business Unit at The Planning Shop International

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