Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Our Public Speaking Event in London: TONIGHT

Our Public Speaking Event in London: TONIGHT

 2nd Nov 2023
Coming Soon

Our Public Speaking Event in London: This Evening!

The English Speaking Union, Dartmouth House, Today in central London!

6.30pm Thursday 2nd November 2023.

Maryam Pasha and I will be at The English-Speaking Union, Dartmouth House, Central London for a live, special edition of our podcast "Speechless - tell stories that change the world".

For further details and to book your ticket, see link in Comments below...

#publicspeaking #leadership #podcast #communication


 I was recently promoted into a role where public speaking and inspiring people has become more central to my ability to be effective. I was amazed by how effective just one session was. I heard indirectly that my presentation had been particularly inspirational - one person even contacted the Director of my organisation to say how impressed he had been. Without any exaggeration, I give all this credit to Simon.


Esther Stevenson | Former Head of Africa, Christian Aid

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