Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Considering Feedback

Considering Feedback

 4th Jul 2022


Ask enough people and sooner or later, you’ll receive feedback that’s diametrically opposed.

Proof if any were needed that…

Feedback is to be filtered and evaluated, not thoughtlessly applied.

Some of the best intentioned feedback I’ve received on speeches over the years…

When applied, has been to the detriment of the speech.

Stay strong.

Trust your instincts.

Seek feedback for context - but think carefully before executing!

#feedback #learning #personaldevelopment #publicspeaking

 Simon's masterclass on pitching and effective communication attracted over 60 MBA's and other post-graduate students from across Oxford during the exam period ... testament to how valuable people thought it was. I would recommend it to anyone, especially mid-career professionals, looking to enhance their ability to communicate their ideas with conviction.


Soushiant Zangenehpour | Manager, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Said Business School, University of Oxford

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