Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Efficiency?


 24th Jun 2023
After nearly 6 months of chasing, yesterday we received this email:

Dear Simon,

Yes, I can confirm we have all the information we need in order to process the invoice.

Please could you resend the invoice and contract.

Kind regards etc


What?! 😂

You can’t make this stuff up…

Small businesses and entrepreneurs of the world unite!

#smallbusiness #finance #invoice #invoicing #communication #entrepreneurship

Simon led by example and provided clear tips on structure, inserting words, leading with stories and stance. Now I can sense the distinct uptick in engagement in a room of diverse nationalities and backgrounds... prepare more comfortably around my key messages and theme.


Tarun Varma | Pershing Square Scholar, University of Oxford, 1+1 MBA, MSc Child Development and Education Fellow 2011, Teach for India

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