Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Seize Your Opportunites...

Seize Your Opportunites...

 23rd Sep 2022
Seize Your Opportunities
The inability to speak with impact is not a skills gap.

It’s a career-limiting issue.

Plain and simple.


Seize opportunities to speak whenever possible.

Treat it as a skill to develop, not a gift you’re born with.

Keep it simple.

One talk at a time.

Crave feedback.

Use conversations as a safe environment in which to practice.

Treat those #presentations as conversations!


#career #publicspeaking #presentationskills #leadership

What I've appreciated most has been the increased thought the team has been putting into how they come across and what they say. Colleagues in other teams have already commented on the improvement in both skills and confidence.


Emma Truswell | Deputy Head of Services, Open Data Institute (ODI)

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