Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Thoughts on Cicero - A Room Without Books...

Thoughts on Cicero - A Room Without Books...

 17th Apr 2024
In Blackwell's Bookshops, Oxford - my favourite bookshop in the world…

Buried deep in the Norrington Room, Blackwell’s Holy of Holies (at least in my book).

I agree with Cicero.

Moreover, I find his wisdom applies, even if one hasn’t READ the books…

Why is that?

hashtagbooklover hashtagoxford hashtageducation hashtagoxforduniversityIn Blackwell's Bookshops, Oxford - my favourite bookshop in the world…


We are incredibly fortunate to have Simon guiding us on a range of techniques and skills. His experience, counsel and passion are all hugely appreciated by decision makers from across 70 different countries.


Oliver Blake | Director and Co-Founder, Blake Evans & Co

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