Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders Top Ten(ish) Tips For Virtual Presenting

Top Ten(ish) Tips For Virtual Presenting

 12th Jan 2022
**Top Ten(ish) Tips For Virtual Presenting**

1 Look at the camera, not at the screen.

2 Sit close enough to the camera for your face to 'own' your screen.

3 Position your camera so you can look straight into it, not up or down.

4 Stop constantly 'reading the room' in gallery view - it's exhausting. Focus on channelling your energy down the barrel of the camera, especially when saying something important.

5 Ground your feet and 'lean in' to the camera a little - mentally, this puts you on the front foot. If you sit back, you'll go passive.

6 Gesture with your hands by all means - but mostly out of camera shot. Too much hand flapping distracts.

7 Go for a clean, real background if you can, not virtual. Please don't take us to Outer Space; leave that to the astronauts.

8 If you want something in your background, make it one thing and prepare for it to be a talking point.

9 Be like a good radio host - speak as if to ONE person, even if there are many listening. It's a 1-to-1 connection, not 1-to-many. You're just connecting 1-to-1 with a number of people simultaneously.

10 Take a leap of faith and COMMIT to your flow. You may feel like you're speaking into a void - especially if we're on mute with our cameras off. Trust that we're here, we're listening and gaining value - it'll help keep you on track.

Bonus: OOMPH! Speak louder than feels comfortable: not because we can't hear you but to bring energy and emotion to your delivery. This is how you'll bridge the virtual gap...

Welcome to the world of domestic broadcasting!

#zoom #energy #publicspeaking #communication #personaldevelopment #inspiration #virtualcommunication

Working with Simon really changed both my work and my academic life... building and inspiring confidence in speaking publicly as well as understanding how to build a message to deliver. Be that a business powerpoint presentation or an academic argument in a multi thousand word document.

I would recommend Simon to any individual looking to grow their skills and confidence...


Richard Robinson MBA CMgr FCMI | VMware Cloud on AWS - Partner Success Manager EMEA

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