Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders What's Your Attitude?

What's Your Attitude?

 5th Oct 2022
Attitude pic
I’m continually struck by the critical importance of Attitude for impactful #communication.

What you bring with you in your heart and mind to a situation will manifest itself in how you come across.

The attitude you emanate to others around you will shape how they react to you.

Their reaction to you further shapes your evolving attitude.

Certainly, Attitude is the single indispensable factor which determines a professional’s capacity to develop their skills as a communicator.

Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you’re right.

Onwards and upwards…

#publicspeaking #personaldevelopment #personaleffectiveness

 Simon's masterclass on pitching and effective communication attracted over 60 MBA's and other post-graduate students from across Oxford during the exam period ... testament to how valuable people thought it was. I would recommend it to anyone, especially mid-career professionals, looking to enhance their ability to communicate their ideas with conviction.


Soushiant Zangenehpour | Manager, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Said Business School, University of Oxford

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