Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders What's Your 'Best In Herd Skill'?

What's Your 'Best In Herd Skill'?

 1st Apr 2020

Years ago, I spent some time working for a brand strategy consulting firm called Elephants Can't Jump.

Yes, seriously.

All things 'elephant associated' went down well. Our small team (a.k.a. 'the herd') offered Footprint Brand Strategy, Stampede Innovation, Mammoth Design and more.

What's really stuck with me, though, has been the concept of the 'Best In Herd Skill', which each of us was encouraged to develop.

Any activity relevant to the work of the firm could qualify: proposal writing, qual research coordination, small group facilitation, client pitches/presentations, idea generation and more.

It wasn't that you were the 'only' herd member capable of the task. The trick was to focus on a given skill until you could be considered the best - whether that meant the fastest, the most accurate or whatever.

Looking back, I found it both inspiring and helpful in fostering greater professional self-esteem in a small team environment.

In the coming weeks, I suspect we could do a lot worse than cultivate a Best In Herd Skill or two!

What's YOUR Best In Herd Skill?

What Best In Herd Skill would you most like to develop over the next three months?

Speak soon,

Simon Bucknall

P.S. If you want to focus on public speaking as your next Best In Herd Skill, check out my homestudy course: "High Impact Speaking - The Executive's Online System".

Click here to find out more! 

Simon brought his vast experience to the subject of storytelling which he masters wholly. He skilfully guided members through his unique series of techniques for both developing and delivering business stories that, by definition, can belong only to each individual business concerned. An excellent morning and highly recommended.


 Gordon Bromley I Chairman, Surrey & SW London Academy for Chief Executives

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