Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders A Mid-September Top Tip

A Mid-September Top Tip

 16th Sep 2024
Golden Top Tip
When it comes to developing a truly impactful hashtagpresentation or hashtagspeech...

The process is rarely linear.

Truth is, it's often messy.

This can infuriate those who crave a linear, step-by-step, A to B to C process.

At which point, ten years ago, I'd have said: "So sorry about that..."

But today, off the back of a good deal more than 10,000 hours, I say...


At least, if you're seeking a seriously high-quality outcome.

Being wedded to a fixed, step-by-step linear process, with ring-fenced, guaranteed session-by-session outcomes, risks delivering a worthy but plodding result.

Heed Aaron Sorkin, creator of "The West Wing" and "A Few Good Men" - as extraordinary and fabulous a crafter of the spoken word as I know.

Speaking on his own experience as a screenplay writer...

He spends much of his time... not writing... but failing to write... until eventually... he hits an absolute purple patch.

And the outcome is electric.

hashtagprocess hashtaghr hashtaglearning hashtagpublicspeaking hashtagcommunication

We are incredibly fortunate to have Simon guiding us on a range of techniques and skills. His experience, counsel and passion are all hugely appreciated by decision makers from across 70 different countries.


Oliver Blake | Director and Co-Founder, Blake Evans & Co

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