Communications Insight For More Inspiring Leaders How a Manager Inspires The Team...

How a Manager Inspires The Team...

 11th Apr 2022


Watching Pep Guardiola and Jurgen Klopp during today’s Man City-Liverpool match was fascinating.

I don’t doubt the managers’ technical skills.

But what strikes me more than anything is the sheer energy and ‘connection’ they bring in seeking to inspire their players.

Consistent with footage I’ve seen of them behind-the-scenes too.

By contrast, I remember watching a documentary of a vastly inferior manager deliver a dull-as-ditchwater slide presentation to a squad of players who looked like they were at a funeral.

The team was subsequently relegated.

Yes of course big budgets make a difference. But then top managers are expensive too. And for a reason.

Because beyond functional competence, the value of any manager/leader’s capacity genuinely to inspire their team?


#inspiration #leader #inspiration #speakingskills #energy #team

 Simon, within a 25 minute phone call you opened my eyes to a whole concept in my TEDx speech I was yet to uncover.

I can now absolutely see why you have the reputation that you do.

To say I am thankful is an understatement.


Sarah-Ann Macklin | Nutrionist & Model, Founder of The Be Well Collective, TEDx Speaker, 'THE JAMIE OLIVER OF NUTRITION' Marie Claire Magazine 

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